One body.. with Lutherans around the world
Prayer during Reformation service in Krakow.
Prayer during Reformation service in Krakow.
Ordination of nine deacones at Holy Trinity Church in Warsaw.
Information about the service
Polish Diakonia's help for refugees from Ukraine.
First Ukrainian families arrived at Lutheran parishes in Poland.
A message to the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland by Bishop Pavlo Shvarts, Presiding Bishop of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ukraine.
Let us speak out loud about the sin of war and not about some imaginary peace – bishop Pavlo Shvarts.
The Consistory of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, during its meeting held in Warsaw on 24 February 2022, adopted a statement on the situation in Ukraine.
The Bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession and the President of the Polish Diakonia call for solidarity with the Ukrainians in the context of war.