Prayer for Brazil
Dear God, we pray today for our Sisters and Brothers in Brazil.
Dear God, we pray today for our Sisters and Brothers in Brazil.
We ask you God to bless and guide the ministers, deacons and members of the Lutheran Church in Guyana.
Lord God, we entrust you with the Lutheran Church in El Salvador.
Gracious God, today we come before You in prayer for Your Church in Chile.
Today we turn to You in prayer for a blessing of Bolivia and the Lutherans living there.
Holy God, merciful Father, we thank you for our Sisters and Brothers in South America. Especially for the Evangelical Church of La Palata River and the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Argentina.
Dear Father, we pray today for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Thailand and its believers.
Dear God, Our Father, we thank you for your grace that you give us and…
O Lord, our God and Father, at this time we lay before you in prayer for the people of Sri Lanka.