Prayer for the Russian Federation
Give the Lutheran Churches in Russia the courage to serve as instruments of Your love and peace.

O God, who are the source of peace and wisdom, we turn to you with humble hearts, asking for your blessing and protection on Lutherans in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Moldova.
Hearing reports of the war waged by Russia, observing the suffering of the people in Ukraine, we ask You, Lord, to end the conflict. May Your love and reconciliation prevail over hatred and violence. Inspire with wisdom those in power to make decisions in accordance with Your will, seeking the good of their citizens and peace in the world. May the hearts of all people be open to dialogue, compromise and cooperation to build bridges between nations and seek to resolve conflicts.
Give the Lutheran Churches in Russia the courage to serve as instruments of Your love and peace. May the faithful and clergy of this Church experience Your presence and guidance. Give them strength and wisdom to proclaim Your Gospel, so that they may bring comfort and hope to all those in need.
We entrust all these matters to You, Lord, and ask for Your blessing. Amen