Prayer for France

Oh God, our Father in heaven,

We thank you for your love and grace, which you constantly bestow upon our world and all your children.

Today, we pray for France and with gratitude, we admire the richness of its culture and history, as well as the diversity of its people. We see the challenges faced by Christian churches in France. Grant them strength and perseverance in spreading the Gospel, helping them reach the hearts of those who are confused or lost. May your truth be the light that guides those living in darkness.

We beseech you to open people’s hearts to live in harmony, where religious differences bring understanding and respect instead of division. May your love transcend boundaries, leading to unity and harmony.

We thank you for the Lutheran Churches in France, which, despite being a minority, stand firm in your truth. We ask for your protection over them, continued guidance, so they can be a source of hope for those in need.

We thank you, God, for your constant blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

photo: LWF