
Christmas 2018

"But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind". Luke 14, 13

Church Award for Dutch Committee

During the autumn Synod session in Lodz, Princess Anna Wazówna Church Award was given to the Dutch Committee for the Cooperation between the Protestant Churches in the Netherlands and Poland (Landelijke Werkgroep Kerkelijke Contacten Nederland-Polen).

Autumn Synod Session

The fourth session of the fourteenth term of the Synod of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession Poland took place between 12 and 14 October 2018 in the Training and Conference Center of the University of Lodz.

Christmas 2017

Through sending His Son to the world, God showed us His love. Jesus Christ brought us salvation and freedom.

The Ecumenical Bible is out

Here it is! It has already been available in different editions and translations of course. But now we have a [ecumenical – editorial note] Bible that everyone can call their own – said bishop Andrzej Malicki, president of the Bible Society in Poland, in his sermon during a thanksgiving service to celebrate the publication of the Ecumenical Bible as a single volume.

Reformation Jubilee in Poland

The central celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation Jubilee in Poland – an overview. God – Freedom – World, Warsaw, Poland – 27.-29. October 2017