
You are the salt of the earth

"You are the salt of the earth!" – This motto guided participants of the meeting of Central and Eastern European Christians in Budapest from 7 to 10 July 2016.

Bishop of Namibia in Poland

Following the invitation of the leader of our Church, Bishop Jerzy Samiec, Bishop Ernst Gamxamub, president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia, where Lutherans make up almost 70 percent of the population, came for a few days to Poland for a study visit.

Women’s Conference of the ELCA

For about 20 years, women’s commissions of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland and the Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have maintained partner relations, which stem from the official partnership between both Churches.

Message concerning refugees

The message regarding the refugee crisis was signed on June 30 in Warsaw by the Roman Catholic Church’s Polish Episcopal Conference and the Polish Ecumenical Council.

Ordination of women in partner Churches

The questionnaire on the ordination of women has been surveyed in those partner Churches of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland that practice the ordination of women.