Prayer for Zimbabwe
Dearest God in the Trinity, you have shared with us the riches of your world so that we may nourish ourselves with its abundance and drink the life-giving water. You want us to care for the places entrusted to us on this earth. You want us to live in freedom and responsibility before you. You are good to all the peoples of the world. You have confirmed this in the witness of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Dearest God in the Trinity, you have shared with us the riches of your world so that we may nourish ourselves with its abundance and drink the life-giving water. You want us to care for the places entrusted to us on this earth. You want us to live in freedom and responsibility before you. You are good to all the people of the world. You have confirmed this in the witness of your Son, Jesus Christ.
God, we give thanks today for our sisters and brothers in Zimbabwe, and for your blessing on the proclamation of the Gospel in their country. At the same time, we think with concern about the future of our sisters and brothers in Zimbabwe. The future begins not tomorrow, but here and now. Meanwhile, in the here and now, Zimbabweans are overwhelmed by the multiple burdens of their tribes’ history, colonial and post-colonial pasts, and authoritarian rule. We think with compassion of the harm done by the unfair distribution of wealth, and the wasting of opportunities for change in their country.
God, guide the sisters and brothers in Zimbabwe through what they are experiencing here and now. Grant the joy of walking new paths leading to the resolution of what seems unsolvable. Give the strength to tirelessly take on daily challenges and bestow the faith that You bless every good cause and every good action. Amen