Prayer for Tanzania
Almighty God, thank you for the world you have created and the people who live on this earth. We thank you that you have made us so unique and diverse so that we can learn from each other and share experiences.

Almighty God, thank you for the world you have created and the people who live on this earth. We thank you that you have made us so unique and diverse so that we can learn from each other and share experiences.
Today, our thoughts run to Tanzania, a country in Africa that is primarily struggling with disease and poverty. We give thanks that you call Lutherans in this country to action and inspire them by the Holy Spirit to preach your Gospel, help the needy, heal the sick and develop education.
We ask You to protect the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania and all the people of Tanzania. Heal the sick and suffering living there, comfort the poor, feed the hungry. Grant that life in Tanzania may improve and the people of Tanzania may be guided by your Word.
Hear ours through Jesus Christ. Amen