Prayer for Sri Lanka
O Lord, our God and Father, at this time we lay before you in prayer for the people of Sri Lanka.

O Lord, our God and Father, at this time we lay before you in prayer for the people of Sri Lanka. We know that their country is experiencing a serious crisis, people are suffering and experiencing various dangers.
Therefore, we ask You to show mercy to those who are suffering, may their suffering not be in vain, but may it bring them hope that a better time is coming. Also help them to find solutions and effective action for change. We ask you to give grace and wisdom to those who make decisions to work for peace and
stabilize the situation in the country.
We pray especially for our sisters and brothers of the Lutheran Church in Sri Lanka.Give them strength and perseverance in their faith, that they may be a source of hope and help to those who need them. Help them so that they may effectively and lovingly carry out their ministry and mission on the island. God of peace, we ask that Sri Lanka experience peace and that its people may live in dignified conditions and enjoy the fullness of life you have prepared for us all. Bless us and all Your children in the world. Amen.
Foto: Jaromír Kavan on Unsplash