Prayer for South Korea
Dear God, our thoughts run to the Korean Peninsula today.

Dear God, our thoughts run to the Korean Peninsula today. Although the war in Korea ended seventy years ago, there is still only an armistice between the North and the South, and the danger of war is still real in this part of the world.
Giver of peace, we ask you to surround Koreans with your peace. Bless the efforts of all people of good will, peace activists. Hear the prayers of Your children – the children of the Korean land who ask for peace for their country and the whole world. Let all the people of the Korean peninsula enjoy freedom. We ask You for persecuted Christians in North Korea and Your Church in South Korea.
In particular, we thank You for our Lutheran sisters and brothers in South Korea. Although they are a minority, they are the salt of their earth. Strengthen their faith and commitment, Let them experience growth and strengthening.
Lord, South Korea, is today one of the most developed countries in the world. Modern technologies are being created there. Lord, grant modern people the necessary wisdom and humility.
Make us remember that our conduct is not to be building another Tower of Babel, which distances us from You and from each other, but is to bring us closer together for the sake of Your grace and love.
Bless Lord all the countries of the earth, and may Your glory sound in our mouths and hearts and be visible in our every action. Be glorified forever.