Prayer for Senegal
1st of January we pray in our parishes for Senegal.

God of love and grace! We open Our hearts and cry out to you in prayer. You are the shield and support of our lives, therefore in You we seek refuge. We thank You for Your incomprehensible love revealed in the cross and the gift of salvation given to us through Jesus Christ. Please forgive us all our sins and make our lives better by the power of the Holy Spirit. Open our hearts to the truth of Your Word, which serves to build our Christian life, deepen and strengthen our faith. Grant, Lord, that we may be Your witness in this troubled world! God, Your grace and love are meant for every person. You want to be a light to all the people and nations of this world. Today we pray for Your Church and the Christians in Senegal. We thank You for their witness to the faith in this conflict-ridden West African country. We think about our brothers and sisters from the Lutheran Church of Senegal. We thank you for all the parish communities, their lives and their growth, their diaconal and social ministries, and all the efforts to eradicate racial and ethnic discrimination. Please surround the Church of Senegal with the shield of Your protection, be a support in experience and hope in doubt, and wipe away every tear in sorrow. Strengthen, nourish and support in Your truth and love! Amen.