Prayer for Romania
Almighty God, we thank You for the many initiatives undertaken by Lutherans in Romania.

Dear God,
You have blessed the people of Romania with magnificent nature: towering mountains, numerous lakes, and the sea. They can experience their faith in historic churches, and the words “stronghold” are familiar to them. Despite the picturesque landscape, their everyday life is not strewn with roses.
It is difficult to profess faith as a minority. It is challenging to conduct religious activities in a country with a turbulent history and among believers of diverse nationalities. Therefore, we ask You, Lord God, for support in their faith, for the power of the Holy Spirit, for whom nothing is impossible. Only You can perform miracles immersed in everyday life.
Almighty God, we thank You for the many initiatives undertaken by Lutherans in Romania. We thank You for their educational, diaconal, missionary, and ecumenical work. We thank You for their courage in faith. We ask You to continue to develop their actions, to add ideas and strength to their implementation.
We ask You, Lord God, to be present in their lives. Amen.