Prayer for Nigeria
11th of December we pray in our parishes for Nigeria.

God of love and peace, we want to thank you for bringing us together in a community of Lutherans from
around the world. We are thankful that you give us the opportunity to pray and connect with those who, like us, need
Your support.
Today our thoughts are with Nigeria, a country affected by religious wars, violence, disease, where the lives of people are often endangered. We ask that you will always surround Nigerians with your care. Help them with resolving conflicts and teach them how to work together for peace. Stay with those who have lost loved ones and support those who are ill and dying.
We give thanks for the Lutherans living in Nigeria, for their commitment to faith and for their determination to proclaim Jesus Christ to the other people of this country.
We ask You for Your healing grace to transform people's hearts and give them hope.
Send Your Spirit to Lutherans in Nigeria, support their work and surround them with Your blessings.