Prayer for Namibia

4th of December we pray in our parishes for Namibia.

Gracious Lord, we pray today for Your people living in Namibia. This is a country heavily experienced in its history, and the genocide perpetrated against the people is still part of the memory today.

You are a God who teaches us that through forgiveness we can free ourselves from the curse of a tragic past, and devote our attention and energy to building what is good and truly useful for others.

Lutherans in Namibia have already played an important role in the fight against apartheid, and have demonstrated their strength and determination in the struggle for national independence.

Please, continue to bless them with your Spirit of love and courage to stand up for the weak and disadvantaged. Let it rain more often in Namibia, in order to make people’s life easier and so that the crops can grow better.

May Your blessing be to them like the life-giving rain that brings them life. Turn the dry land into gardens full of fruit-bearing trees that bring comfort, hope and strengthening. AMEN