Prayer for Myanmar
Lord, You give us peace in such a different way than the world gives it to us. We come to You to give You praise for Your constancy, goodness and care. It is before You that every knee will bow because You are the Lord of lords and King of kings.

Lord, You give us peace in such a different way than the world gives it to us.
We come to You to give You praise for Your constancy, goodness and care. It is before You that every knee will bow because You are the Lord of lords and King of kings.
Aware of this, we stand before You today asking for our sisters and brothers in Myanmar, and we ask that in the place of uncertainty, You give certainty, in the place of anxiety You give Your peace, in moments of fear You give courage, for You are near. Into Your good hands, we put Christians in Myanmar regardless of which Church they belong to.
Please make Yourself known also to those who have not come to know You. Touch those in power with Your gracious hand, grant them Your wisdom and Your Spirit. Let them experience You and change a country mired in internal conflict.
Let us intercede for those who are persecuted but also for those who persecute, for those who experience unrest and those who want to bring their peace by force. Please strengthen the former and bring the latter to remembrance. Please let each side experience Your power.
To You in the name of Jesus we come, for You are the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen