Prayer for Mozambique

27th of November we pray in our parishes for Mozambique.

Dear God! We thank You that You gather your children in different corners of the world. We thank You for the Christians in Mozambique. Despite the natural disasters that recently struck this country and resulted in the destruction of churches and chapels, Your believers continue to gather for their services. We thank You for their perseverance in faith, that regardless of persecution, the threat of repression or even the loss of their lives, they continue to trust in You and seek hope in the gospel.

Please support and strengthen their faith. Move people's hearts, so that they will be ready to serve the people of Mozambique. Support the doctors who are struggling with the scourges of various infectious diseases in this country. Please, end the acts of terror and persecution. Strengthen Christians there, so that they will not give up in the face of violence. We ask for justice and peace for Mozambique. And we do this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
