Prayer for Madagascar

13th of November we pray in our parishes for Madagascar.

Lord our God! You in Your Son have shown us how to pray. By Your presence and love, we cannot say that nothing unites us. We are united by You, Your promises, the hope given to us and the future You have prepared for people in Your Kingdom.

Today we want to ask You for the Christians in the Republic of Madagascar, but also for those from this country who have rejected You, but through the preaching of Your Word they will have a chance to believe. We associate Republik of Madagascar with warmth, beaches, and paradise, however, we know how much this country needs you and your actions. How it needs you to move the hearts of the people who, with your help could make a difference in so many ways. Please instruct them how to help those, who are poor, suffering from hunger, who were found in extremely difficult social and economic situations.

80% of the people there go to bed every day with concern about whether they will be able to enjoy the simplest meal tomorrow. Many are affected by diseases and can't expect any help. Many people during the pandemic said goodbye to their loved ones. Those whom you wake up to everyday are constantly threatened by epidemics of various kinds, due to shortages of food, medicine and hygiene products.

We ask for Madagascar, for the Lutheran Church there, for its life and work. For all those who still believe and are motivated to preach the Gospel, We ask for a wise government for this country, for those who, as an international community, can support its development and contribute to improving the quality of life of the people there.

Protect the nature of this country and do not let its riches be lost through greed of the people.

May Your grace, kindness and love guide the people there so that they can live in peace and support each other.

And most of all we want to thank you for the fact that you suffered instead of us and gave as the eternal joy of eternal life. AMEN