Prayer for Kenya

30rd of October we pray in our parishes for Kenya.

Good and Almighty Father!

We thank You for the privilege of praying for the entire Church on earth. We are thankful that You have promised to bless and be kind to the people who are faithful and reverent to You, regardless of the nation from which they come. In today’s prayer as Your children, we bring to You the Lutheran Churches in Kenya.

We thank You for calling Your witnesses and apostles in a country that faces so many different problems. We are thankful for the ministry of the Kenyan churches and for their commitment and hearts filled with love for others.

We ask You to support the faithful in Kenya in their daily challenges. May Your Word transform and bring hope to all who need it. We ask that you act, perform miracles, heal and guide them. Support those who lead churches and make them hear Your voice and understand Your will. May Your glory be made visible every day in the lives of all believers in Kenya.

In the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, amen.

foto: Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church