Prayer for Japan
Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, you are the way and the truth! Today we want to pray for the Church in Japan. Lord, You know how difficult it is to be a witness among people who do not know You.

Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, you are the way and the truth!
Today we want to pray for the Church in Japan. Lord, You know how difficult it is to be a witness among people who do not know You.
We ask You for the Christians in Japan, for their faith in Your Holy Gospel. Almighty God, into Your hands we entrust all those who are experiencing suffering.
Japan, the country in which Your Word is preached, has in recent years experienced severe trials like earthquakes and tsunamis in which many people lost their lives and homes.
We ask You to comfort and strengthen our brothers and sisters in moments of sorrow, doubt and mourning. Fill them with the spirit of courage in proclaiming Your Word.
Bless all ministers of Your Word and help them when they experience any persecution during their ministry.
God bless Your Church on earth, and bless Your Church in Japan.Hear us through Jesus Christ, who with You and the Holy Spirit reigns forever and ever.