Prayer for Hungary
Today we turn to you in prayer for Hungary.

God of love,
Today we turn to you in prayer for Hungary – a country with a rich cultural heritage and a long history, where diverse cultures and traditions come together to create a unique social landscape.
We ask you to endow wisdom upon those who govern Hungary, so that their decisions may be inspired by justice and concern for the welfare of all inhabitants. May your light guide them in leading the country, so that Hungary may be a place of peace, solidarity, and mutual understanding.
We also pray for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary, which serves people in various areas of social and spiritual life. We ask that Lutherans in Hungary continue to be strong advocates of love and justice, helping those in need and engaging in building a better tomorrow.
Give Hungary and all its inhabitants your blessings and care. May it is a place where everyone feels respected and valued, and where your love and grace are manifested in everyday life. Amen.