Prayer for Gujana

We ask you God to bless and guide the ministers, deacons and members of the Lutheran Church in Guyana.

Almighty God we thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ, in whom You have offered us salvation and eternal life. God, be glorified for Your love that You bestow upon us every day. We don’t know Lord what awaits us in the days ahead, but we believe that You have a plan for us. Although we don’t always understand or agree with it, please guide us in Your paths. Point us in the direction in which we should go. Do not take away your grace from us, but be with us every day.

We ask you God to bless and guide the ministers, deacons and members of the Lutheran Church in Guyana. Let them be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Grant that the Church in Guyana may continue to grow, to be a living witness to Your faithfulness. May Your blessing rest upon all the people of Guyana. 

Help, Lord, that all disputes between nations and people may be resolved. Grant us Your Spirit, Lord, to show us the best solutions, to teach us to love one another. May Your peace prevail among us. Help us Lord to grow in faith and bless us and all your children on earth. Amen