Prayer for Guatemala
We dare to pray to You today for the Christians of Guatemala.

Ah Lord, we dare to pray to You today for the Christians of Guatemala. They are Your children, and our sisters and brothers.
We know that life in a country torn by so many contradictions and with such a high degree of poverty is not easy. But we believe that Your Holy Spirit, the inspiring builder, Comforter and architect of the Church is present there as well.
So, Lord we ask, may Your Spirit continue to strengthen those who trust in You. And in Christ may they find not only a Redeemer but also a light in their daily lives.
May they never lack the conviction that it is worthwhile to carry good in Your name. That it is worth believing, it is worth trusting, it is worth being good, it is worth creating a community. Building on the ruins of war and in an atmosphere of general doubt requires vision and faith in fulfillment. We are convinced that only in you one can find the strength to survive and faith in a better tomorrow.
foto: ILAG