Prayer for Ghana
23 rd of October we pray in our parishes for Ghana.

Heavenly Father, you are the giver of all goodness. We want to worship you, cause you are the creator of people and all the beauty that surrounds us.
We give thanks that the good news of the salvation we have in Jesus Christ circulates throughout the world. You want that all people will be saved and will come to the knowledge of the Truth.
To Thee we entrust all Christians in Ghana and especially the tiny community of the Lutheran Church. Give them strength and courage to be salt for their land and a light, and a witness to those who still walk in darkness. Open closed doors to them, open petrified hearts so that they may come to know You. Support the persecuted with Your power, and care for the sick and suffering.
Please let Your Church in Ghana be like a seed that, when thrown into the ground, grows, bears lasting fruit, and in its shadow all can hide. Teach us to be a community, sisters and brothers in Christ, supporting each other with prayer and an outstretched helping hand.
We beseech Thee, merciful Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Amen.