Prayer for Eritrea

9th of October we pray in our parishes for Eritrea.

Dear Lord and our God! You are the God of relationships and love. We come to you to show the things that we are grateful for but also the things that we are scared of. We pray for ourselves, our loved ones but also for those whom we sometimes do not know, but with whom we are united by our faith in You.

We ask You today for the Christians of Eritrea, for their perseverance and that they will still experience your love and caring. We ask for your companion during these uncertain times of conflict, war, and many difficult experiences. We ask for sufficient help for Eritrea, and also for help in every corner of the world. May we stand in common prayer filled with Your faith and love, may we show our heart to others and let us not pass indifferently by the one who needs us.

Give us strength, hope and Your love through Him who is our Savior Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. Amen