Prayer for Democratic Republic of Congo

2nd of October we pray in our parishes for Democratic Republic of Congo.

Almighty God!

Today we stand before You together with all members of Lutheran parishes in the Democratic Republic of Congo and we are thankful that Your Gospel is preached in this beautiful country.

We know that life in the Democratic Republic of Congo is not easy. Many people, especially children, suffer from malnutrition. Hunger is one of the cruelest scourges of this world, so we ask you good God to take care of all the people in this country as you took care of Elijah in Zarephath.

We ask You to help access the education for those who cannot write and read, so that they can reach out on their own to Your Word and draw from it the strength to live and fight against adversity.

Merciful God, we ask you to stop the violence on the religious level. May Your good Spirit look after all our Lutheran sisters and brothers, but also Christians of other denominations all over the Democratic Republic of Congo. Amen.