Prayer for Costa Rica

Today we ask You for the Lutheran Church in Costa Rica.

God, we are grateful to You for not forgetting anyone. For You every person, every nation and every church is equally important. Your praise is earned not by those who are great, famous, popular and influential, but by those who, despite various obstacles, strive to do Your will in this troubled, godless world. 

Today we ask You for the Lutheran Church in Costa Rica. Numerically it is not large, but its members with their service to their neighbor give evidence of their desire to follow Christ. They care about the spiritual condition of children, young people, migrants. They are not indifferent to the ecological crisis and try to get involved in the fight against AIDS. Lord, help them to be good witness in a country where social inequality can be felt, as well as the effects of crime which is not sufficiently combated. 

Almighty God, protect the followers of Christ in Costa Rica when natural disasters threaten their health and lives, and sometimes deprive them of what they have struggled to earn. May they never lose hope for a better future and the certainty that nothing or no one will be able to separate them from Your love. Amen.