Prayer for Congo
18th of December we pray in our parishes for Congo.

Almighty God, today we lift our prayer to you, for we know that you never leave in need those who believe in you. We are together with our sisters and brothers in the Republic of Congo, which is torn by internal conflicts in which people are dying. Many people there are suffering from wounds, illnesses and loneliness after the loss of loved ones. The lack of prospects for a better tomorrow and daily violence are a cause for sadness and tears.
However, we believe that You are able to change people's hearts and minds. You are able to pull out anyone, even from the deepest despair. Therefore, we ask the Holy Spirit to bring together all that is torn and divided, so that in the Republic of Congo, despite the ethnic differences, people can find peace.
Open their hearts to receive your Word, because it wakes up faith, which is very needed when people lose their sense of life.
In You there is salvation, therefore we ask You to bless and lead us towards peace and joy that is in you.