Prayer for Cameroon

18th of September we pray in our parishes for Cameroon.

Dear our Father, Lord of heaven and earth we come to you as your children. Thanking you for the gift of peace, love and hope. For the gift of open hearts to the star of unity on the red background. May this unity open us to the other person, his race, his tribe and his religion. May it unite us in tolerance and in seeking the signs of the Creator in our midst and for us.

Let us ask you to illuminate our path in our lives with your light, like the star of Bethlehem to the wise men from the east on their way to Christ. The One who passed into the world to give us salvation. To enrich us with his love and the gift of the Kingdom of Heaven. Teach us, Father, to follow the way of Christ, that we may be able to bear pain and suffering, to know how to love and forgive.

May the color red, the symbol of unity on the flag of the brothers and sisters of Cameroon, be a symbol of the Holy Spirit who was, who is and who will be. May His gifts bear fruit in our lives. May mutual patience, love and peace build up our Churches and communities, and may hope strengthen faith.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Amen