Prayer for Botswana

11th of September we pray in our parishes for Botswana.

Gracious and Good God!

We lift up our prayers before You for the Church in Botswana, and we ask You in particular for our brothers and sisters, the Lutherans there. Please give them strength to be a light to all the lost in a country going through so many difficulties. May they have the strength to teach perpetrators Your ways. May they have the strength to teach the people of their country a moral life. To live in respect for Your commandments. May they be the salt of their land. May they change their homeland by their work and faith.

Bless, o Lord, the whole country of Botswana. Grant the people with peace and wellbeing. Inspire those who govern the country with Your wisdom. May the material benediction of the resources of Botswana's land be shared by all the people of the country. May the benefits of this become a source of social change through the development of education and medicine.

We especially ask: May Thou take care of all the sick in this country. May your healing hand touch people each and every day. Give wisdom to the doctors struggling each day with the diseases that are the scourges of these people. Amen.