Prayer for Australia
Almighty God, you accompany your children on all the roads and wildernesses of life. You are able to turn misfortune into a blessing.

Almighty God, you accompany your children on all the roads and wildernesses of life. You are able to turn misfortune into a blessing.
We thank You for our Sisters and Brothers of the Lutheran Church in Australia, who grew out of the experience of fleeing from persecution. May the memory of those difficult beginnings strengthen in them the determination to preach the gospel, stand against injustice and build understanding across religious, ethnic and social divisions.
Give them the strength to counter the consequences of climate change, which has hit Australia so hard. The symbol of the Church in Australia is a cross against a background of water, accompanied by stars and tongues of fire.
Please God, be like life-giving water to them, illuminate the darkness like the Southern Cross constellation, be present with the Holy Spirit and give assurance of a secure future through the cross of Christ. Bless your Church throughout the world. Amen