Prayer for Angola

4th of September we pray in our parishes for Angola.

Unbounded God, you in your great love unite all people throughout the world – we confess this and adore you for it!

Today we entrust You in prayer our Sisters and our Brothers in Angola who bear the burden of hurt and poverty. You alone, Lord, know how deep their wounds are and how enormous is the pain they live with every day, still struggling with the effects of the past war.

Bring them Thy consolation and solace, heal their wounds and transform the hearts of those who still burn with hatred for their fellow man.

Dear God, raise in all hearts the trust and faith that you accept everyone unconditionally, that your grace is free. May this faith give strength for living in hope and love – so that the whole world may experience awakening and transformation.

Remember, God, also the daily needs of the Angolan people, facing great poverty. Provide them abundantly with their daily bread – with all that is necessary not only to survive, but to live with dignity.

We pray, Heavenly Father, in faith that You hear us and listen to us. Amen.