Synod elected president and synodal council

The first session of the synod of the Church of the 15th term began with a service with Holy Communion. After the service, the president of the outgoing synod council, Rev. Dr. Adam Malina, presented the report of the synod council. Presiding Bishop Jerzy Samiec thanked the synodal council for its work. Later, bishop Samiec took over the leading of the session and the election of the synod president began.
One candidate was put forward for the position of synod president: Rev. Dr Adam Malina. Before the vote, the candidate had the opportunity to present himself. As a result of the secret ballot, the candidate received 53 votes. 63 synodalists voted. Rev. Dr. Adam Malina was elected President of the 15th Synod of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.
Rev. Dr. Adam Malina was born on 9 September 1966 in Cieszyn. He studied theology at the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw from 1986 to 1991. Since his ordination in 1991, he has served in the Evangelical parishes in Katowice-Szopienice, Hołduów, Mysłowice and Sosnowiec, first as a vicar and then as a parish pastor.
Since 2001 he has been a delegate to the synod where he served as chairman of the synodal Commission for Liturgy and Church Music, and participated in the work of the Commission for Media, Theology and Confession. He was a member of the synodal council from 2014 to 2017 and president of the synod from 2017 to 2023.
Rev. Adam Malina is Chairman of the Board of the National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation. He received his doctorate in theology in 2014. Author of publications on liturgy, hymnology, media and church history. Married. Has three children.
The president of the synod of the Church, as chairman of the synodal council, directs the work of the synodal council, convenes and presides over its meetings and ensures the implementation of the council’s resolutions. The chairman of the synodal council represents the synodal council to the Church authorities and to the society.
Next, the election of the synodal council members took place. The following became members of the Synodal Council of the 15th Synod of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland: Rev. Tomasz Bujok, Rev. Marek Michalik, Łukasz Cieślak, Prof. Jerzy Sojka. The Audit Committee was also elected, consisting of: Katarzyna Luc, Adam Marek, Jerzy Sikora.