Study trips 2023
Visit Poland!

Invitiation to Poland
Dear Sisters and Brothers
of our global Communion of the Lutheran Churches,
less than a year remains to the opening of the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Krakow 2023. In reference to this event I have a pleasure of inviting to Poland all of you who want to get to know the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession and our country better.
September 2023 is the time of a year that trim our landscape with colorful and highly varied palette of summer and autumn colors. This is an unique opportunity to take advantage of the study trips organized by our Church, which accompany the Assembly.
We would like to take you to different parts of our country and show its beauty, tradition, history and faith, offering four thematic study trips. It will be a pleasure to share with you our joy, hospitality but above all to be with you and share the Christian experience Anno Domini 2023. Within the study trips there also will be possibility to visit the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation. For almost one week Krakow will become a city of prayer, worship of the God’s Name and a center of Lutheran unity. It is worth to experience this great celebration for our global community.
The program of the four study trips is attached to this letter.
Our old Polish proverb says: Guest at home – God at home so today I am sending warm and cordial invitation on behalf of Polish Lutherans. Visit Poland and stay with us for a few days to share with us happiness, mutual cognition and many other dimensions of Christian fellowship.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Jerzy Samiec
Presiding Bishop