Reformation Jubilee in Poland

The central celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation Jubilee in Poland – an overview. God – Freedom – World, Warsaw, Poland – 27.-29. October 2017

In contrast to the days of the Reformation, nowadays God or anything connected with religion is no longer obvious, so the motto of the Reformation 500th Anniversary Central Celebrations could have the opposite order “God-Freedom-the World”. We all see our world, but perceive it differently, we all seek freedom, but have different understandings of it, but God…?

To many, talking about God is redundant, it can be seen as a provocation or a tiresome tradition formed by years of custom. However, to protestants, the Reformation – in the context of the anniversary, but also everyday life – is about something more than an emotional uprising or occasional performance – it is about participation, reform, constant construction and brave action. Without imposing our faith on anyone, we want to show that God is not an idea or a dead weight, but the Architect and Friend of freedom, the Spirit that keeps inspiring us to change the world for the better – privately, communally, locally and globally – in the freedom that the Christ taught. This is what we want to share, this is why we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We invite everybody to reflect, dialogue, think critically and ask questions together.


The following events will be in English:

Saturday, 28.10.2017:

12:00 Devotion (“People – not for sale”) with Rev. Pekka Huokuna (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland) in the Evangelical Lutheran Holy Trinity Congregation (pl. Małachowskiego 1)

In English language with Polish translation.

14:00-16:00 Thematic workshops in the Lutheran Center. Admission free. Because of limited capacities a reservation is necessary: e-mail:, phone: +48228870204.

In English and Polish language.

1. “What does Reformation mean today? The importance of the idea of Reformation for Media Ethics, Digitization and Education” with Rev. Ralf Peter Reimann, Internet Commissioner of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland (14:00-15:00)

2. "Luther would tweet today – Integrating Social Media in Church Activities", with Rev. Ralf Peter Reimann (15:00-16:00)

3. “Different cultures meet – about the charm and challenge of ecumenical cooperation” with Heinz Dunkenberger-Kellermann, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (Department C – Ecumenism and Church Life) (14:00-16:00)

4. “What helps to overcome a spiral of conflicts” with Rev. Claudia Kuchenbauer, kokon Workplace for Constructive Conflict Resolution in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria (14:00-16:00)

Sunday, 29.10.2017:

10:30 Jubilee service (Church of the Holy Trinity – kościół Św. Trójcy w Warszawie – pl. Małachowskiego 1) with sermon of Bishop Munib Younan, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

Sermon in English language with Polish translation.

Program (pdf)