Easter wishes 2019
"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen”. Lk 24,5-6

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen”. Lk 24,5-6
In our lives we seek God in different ways, trying to find time for him or fit him into our plans. Meanwhile, God in Christ does not shut himself up in the grave or hide in our representations. He shows his true face in the death and resurrection of Jesus, reveals a love that knows no limits and teaches us this love every day.
May the Feast of the Resurrection allow us to see the living Christ who is truly present in our lives, and become an opportunity to experience the freedom that we have thanks to God's victory over sin and death. It is thanks to Christ that we can see God, but also other people who, like us, are embraced by God's love.
Happy Easter!