Competitions to celebrate the Reformation jubilee
To celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland announced three competitions.

The first one encourages to write scientific papers on the subject of the Protestant Reformation and its heritage, the other two inspire to tell the history of the Reformation using the language of images.
The academic contest is open to scholarly monographs written in Polish, including master’s, doctoral and habilitation theses, in particular in disciplines such as: early modern history, history of art, Polish or foreign philology, theology, philosophy, education and law, presenting a state of research not older than 2012 and mainly focused on the issues of the Protestant Reformation and its heritage.
The monographs may be submitted by the authors, or by parishes, other legal persons, as well as persons holding the academic degree “doktor habilitowany” (habilitated doctor), provided that they have obtained the author’s prior consent.
The theses will be evaluated by a committee of five persons appointed by the Presiding Bishop of the Church. The committee will select five best master’s theses and one monograph. The authors of the awarded entries will receive prizes amounting to 3,000 PLN for master’s theses, and 10,000 PLN for the monograph.
The competition ends on 31 December 2016, its results will be announced in the second half of 2017.
The photography contest "500 years of the 2017 Reformation" invites to take pictures on subjects connected to the history of the Reformation and contemporary life of Lutherans in Poland. The entries may refer to important personalities, monuments, exceptional places, but also show important events, festivities or refer to different ways in which the Lutheran faith and spirituality is embraced. In order to participate, contestants must have an Instagram account.
Entries will be evaluated by a selection board and by Instagram users. The organisers have planned two prizes: the main prize awarded by the selection board (amounting to 1,000 PLN) and the viewers’ prize (a 2 TB external hard drive), which will be awarded on the basis of the number of likes on Instagram.
The contest ends on 31 January 2017.
The film contest "Heritage of the Reformation – 500 years of the Reformation” is addressed to amateur filmmakers. It focuses on Lutheran personalities who had made a change in their congregations and local communities, promoted ideals of the Reformation and the protestant values.
The films can be inspired by materials made available in the “Nasza Historia” (“Our History”) application at They can be made by one person or a group of people. In order to participate, contestants must have an account on YouTube.
Organisers of the film contest have planned two prizes. The main prize to the amount of 1,500 PLN will be awarded by a selection board. In addition, the films will be evaluated by YouTube users. The participant whose submission will receive the highest number of likes, will receive the audience’s award, a tablet worth 750 PLN.
The deadline for submission is 28 February 2017.
Contest Regulations are available at: