Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund
Bishop of the Church Jerzy Samiec represented the Polish Lutherans at the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund.

Bishop of the Church Jerzy Samiec represented the Polish Lutherans at the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund.
The Common Prayer at the Lutheran cathedral in Lund was led by: Pope Francis, Bishop Munib Younan – president of the Lutheran World Federation, Rev. Dr Martin Junge – General Secretary of the LWF and Archbishop Antje Jackelén – Primate of the Church of Sweden. Pope Francis and the Rev. Dr Martin Junge jointly preached on the gospel of the true vine (John 15:1-5)
Ecumenical service in Lund focused on listening to the Word of God, praying and singing together. It stressed also the common thanksgiving, repentance and mutual forgiveness.
Expressive symbol of the meeting was the cross from El Salvador that refers to the Triune God and the words of the Gospel of John about vine and branches.
As a sign that Catholics and Lutherans were committed to taking a further step towards the unity into which God calls the church, Pope Francis and LWF President Younan signed a Joint Statement. It calls on Lutheran and Catholic parishes and communities to be “bold and creative, joyful and hopeful in their commitment to continue the great journey ahead of us.” The full text of Joint Statement
Further ecumenical ceremony took place in Malmo Arena. It focused on the problem of world poverty and social justice. People from Burundi, Colombia, India, South Sudan and Syria described the situation in their countries and the struggle of the Churches to support poor. Pope Fransis, bp Younan and Rev. Junge commented the stories. Lutheran World Service and Caritas Internationalis signed a Declaration of Intent, to strengthen their cooperation and global engagement as an expression of their common faith in God.