Church supports the Ocalenie Foundation
The support of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland for the activities of the Ocalenie Foundation. 39 830 zlotys have been collected.

At the beginning of September, the Consistory of the Church issued an appeal for support for refugees on the border with Belarus and the Bishop of the Church asked for common prayer during Sunday services.
At the same time, the Church encouraged the collection of donations for refugees It was planned that the collected funds will be transferred to the Foundation Ocalenie, which provides direct help to refugees, also on the Polish-Belarusian border. The Foundation is a long-term partner of our Church – it conducts trainings, shares experience, advises on issues related to refugees.
The collection ended on 15 September 2021. The Church received 18 790 PLN for helping refugees in Poland. An additional amount i.e. 21,040 PLN was collected for a car for the Foundation. Including 15,000 donated by one of the donors directly to the Foundation's account.
Thank you for all your donations.