Church Award for Dutch Committee
During the autumn Synod session in Lodz, Princess Anna Wazówna Church Award was given to the Dutch Committee for the Cooperation between the Protestant Churches in the Netherlands and Poland (Landelijke Werkgroep Kerkelijke Contacten Nederland-Polen).

The Dutch Committee has been awarded for its commitment to nurture partner relationships as well as the spiritual support and material aid given by Dutch churches in Poland's difficult times: “We still remember material aid which Polish protestant communities received form the Dutch churches in the 1980s during martial law times in Poland. This aid inspired people and parishes in both countries to build mutual relations, based not only on the support received. Some communities preferred discussions and exchange of experience as the main way of bilateral contacts, others established relations between certain groups (i. e. choirs, young people). The Dutch churches supported also the Polish Diaconia. Financed mostly by the Dutch side, the theological seminars organized by rev. Piet van Veldhuizen for 20 years, were a very important step in this abovementioned bilateral cooperation as well as the impulse that prompted the theological development of all participants” (part of the laudation).
Princess Anna Wazówna Church Award is presented to people or organisations (from Poland and abroad) of outstanding merits to the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland. The Princess, the Award patroness, being an offspring of Swedish and Polish kings and well-educated protestant, was a person who despite her own suffering helped many others.
The purpose of the Award is to honor people or other entities who have given testimony of their faith by engaging their free time, skills and resources and have acted for the Evangelical Church in Poland, guided by Christian love that knows no borders. The Award also promotes and inspires activities that deepen international cooperation.
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has assumed its Honorary Patronage over this year's edition of the Award.