Christmas greetings from bishop Samiec
On the occasion of Christmas bishop Jerzy Samiec offered greetings to all members of The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.

On the occasion of Christmas bishop Jerzy Samiec offered greetings to all members of The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.
The short film with bishop's greetings was presented on the official Youtube channel. In his speech bishop Samiec referred to the situation in Poland and in the world. He noted that we cannot remain indifferent to the worrying news about ongoing war in Syria, tragic terrorist attack in Berlin and death of many people.
He encouraged all believers to find more time to read Bible and turn to God in prayer. He also mentioned that God is the one who will never betray or deceive us. He said he wishes everybody to find time during this Christmas for prayer and experience the community with the Saviour.