Bishop Samiec re-elected
The Rev. Jerzy Samiec was re-elected Presiding bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.

On October 12 the Rev. Jerzy Samiec was re-elected presiding bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland by the church synod.
Bishop Waldemar Pytel (bishop of the diocese of Wrocław) and Bishop Jerzy Samiec (presiding bishop) stood for the election. Rev. Dr Adam Malina (President of the Synod) resigned from the candidacy because of his health condition. The Synod members did not exercise their right to submit additional candidates. Before the ballot, the candidates delivered presentations and answered questions from the Synod members.
On the first ballot, 67 votes were cast. Candidates received the following number of votes:
– Bishop Waldemar Pytel – 28 votes
– Bishop Jerzy Samiec – 37 votes
(two abstentions)
The chairman of the meeting rev. Waldemar Szajthauer announced that Bishop Jerzy Samiec was elected Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland for the second term of office.