Appeal for prayers and support for Ukraine
Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland Jerzy Samiec issued an appeal asking for prayers and support for the people of Ukraine.

For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation. Psalm 62, 2
With sadness and fear I think about this morning's aggression of Russia against Ukraine. I am concerned that, despite the experience of war more than 80 years ago, gunfire and bombing are again being heard just across our eastern border. My thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, whose lives are now in serious danger.
First of all, I want to ask you today to pray, because in God is the quietness of our souls. Let us pray together to our Lord and God of peace to act, to calm our fear and stop the war. Let us ask through Jesus Christ for sobriety for the aggressors, for an end to invasion and for peace between people. Let us also ask for protection of all those who suffer from military action. We can turn to God with the words of the prayer included in this letter, but all our silent and loud prayers are also needed.
Many people in Poland, as well as our Church, are in close contact with the people of Ukraine, some of whom have family, friends and people of faith there. We hear that many of them are seeking protection locally, but there are also those who are fleeing into places where they can be safe. Therefore, I turn to you with an appeal and a request to open your parishes to the Sisters and Brothers of Ukraine. Please let me know of any parishes that would be willing to welcome people from Ukraine and offer them support during this difficult time. We want to stand together now and provide help to those who need assistance and shelter from war.
In Our Savior Jesus Christ is our hope. We entrust all our worries and fears to Him. Have mercy, Lord.
Yours in Christ
Bishop Jerzy Samiec
Lord, Reconciler and Creator of all peace.
In a time marked by conflict, exploitation, injustice and violence, we come to You in shame as your children, confessing that as a people we still fail to learn from history and the misfortunes unfolding across the earth. Forgive us our negligence.
God of peace, God of love, our hope is in You!
In the face of war, so close to our borders, we ask for repentance for all of us – churches, politicians, ordinary people. Fill us with hope and grant that the Gospel of peace and reconciliation in Jesus Christ may reach human hearts and minds, transform those in power and all of us, so that instead of making war we may build peace.
God of peace, God of love, our hope is in You!
Merciful God, in Christ You have shown us your love. Teach us how to live in the light of your love, so that people everywhere may listen to one another and live in peace.
God of peace, God of love, our hope is in You!
God, protect the Ukrainian people, our Homeland and the whole world. We place all our concern on You, for You can do everything, including changing every person. Pour into our hearts courage, trust, hope, make us spokespersons and advocates of Your peace.
God of peace, God of love, our hope is in You!