Aniela Szarek passed away
On Saturday, January 5th, 2019 in Bielsko-Biala passed away Aniela Szarek (1936-2019).

Aniela Szarek was a retired branch director of the National Bank of Poland and a person involved in the life of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland on many levels. For our friends abroad, she was known as a wife of presiding Bishop (1991-2001) Jan Szarek, with whom she was married over 58 years.
Aniela Szarek was born on March 18th, 1936 in Cisownica (Cieszyn Silesia). After maturity exam she studied economics in Katowice and received the Master degree of economics.
In addition to her professional work, she was involved in the service in the Church as an youth leader and teacher of Sunday Schools. She was an organist and conductor of choirs, leader of music and theater groups. She organized work among women in the country and abroad. She was one of the initiators of nationwide women's meetings, which have been organized under the name of the Lutheran Women Forum till today.
She was a member of the Synod Women's Commission in 1991-2001 and the Women's Committee in the Polish Ecumenical Council. She published articles in the Evangelical Herald and the Evangelical Calendar with special emphasis on women's and family themes.
She was awarded with the Golden Badge of the Polish Economic Society and the Gold Cross of Merit.
She leaves her husband – Bishop Jan Szarek, son – minister: Piotr Szarek and daughter Ewa together with their families.
The funeral service will take place on Saturday, January 12, 2019, in the Savior Church in Bielsko. The ceremony begins at 13 00.
Instead of buying flowers, family requests to make a donation for renovation the historic organs in the church in Bielsko.
The donation may be paid in the parish office in Bielsko or to the parish account: 72 1020 1390 0000 6302 0427 6614