Introductory resources in Polish

In September 2023, the global Lutheran community will meet in Krakow, Poland. One of the important goals of the Thirteenth General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation will be to reflect together on the theme: One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.

And not only the delegates but also ours, in the Church in Poland, because we are part of this community. While asking ourselves questions about the meaning of this theme, at the same time not forgetting our local circumstances, in a way we become part of this event.

To support this reflection, we offer a package of resources in Polish prepared by members of our church, consisting of:

  • Bible studies based on the biblical texts selected for consideration at the gathering, focus on four themes: unity, one Body, one Spirit, and one hope. In addition to commentaries on the texts, there are also questions for reflection and prayer intentions;
  • a short introductory film in the form of questions and answers, which introduces the Lutheran World Federation and the assembly;
  • videos with interviews on the four thematic elements.     

These resources can be used in various parish meetings, Bible study groups, etc. A meeting built around a single Bible study together with a film with an interview and discussion is planned to last approximately 75 minutes.

Commentaries on biblical texts can be printed out and distributed to the meeting participants. A short introductory film can be used according to the needs of the group.

Those interested in a global perspective on the theme of the gathering are also encouraged to read the booklet prepared by the SFL and made available in Polish and other languages.

After reading these materials, we encourage you to publish short reflections on social media, including the hashtag #zgromadzenieSFL in the description. We encourage you to share how the theme of the assembly inspires you in your context: