Helping others is part of the practice of Christian life, which is the reason behind the existence of ECACP’s Polish Diakonia.
Diaconia is a charity organization of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland with the legal status of a public benefit organization. Diaconia supports dioceses in carrying out aid programs and bringing help to the elderly, disabled, children, youth and vulnerable families, as well as relief projects for catastrophe and natural disaster victims.
Its motto is a passage from Matthew 25:40: “As you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Its tasks are to identify new areas of social service work and to create and support relief institutions, dioceses and parishes in fulfilling their diaconal and social tasks.
Polish Diakonia also runs program and campaigns for children from socially vulnerable families and activities to improve educational opportunities, as well as youth exchange initiatives within the framework of the European Voluntary Service. It also creates and implements projects for refugees, conducts fundraising (e.g., for natural disasters), and educates and trains coworkers and volunteers. On a day-to-day basis, it cooperates with representatives of social welfare, state institutions, local authorities, social foundations, and diaconal services at home and abroad.

For more information visit www.diakonia.org.pl
ul. Miodowa 21
00-246 Warszawa
War in Ukraine
From the very beginning of the refugee crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine, Lutheran parishes have been actively involved in helping those seeking refuge and support.
This assistance is possible thanks to the generosity of Polish Lutherans, and financial support from the LWF and the Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, the humanitarian aid agency of German Protestant churches.
ECACP is also involved in helping refugees staying at the Polish-Belarusian border. All aid activities are implemented thanks to support from parishes, dioceses, pastoral ministries, and church organizations.