
Prayer for India

Dear God, we come to you today with humble hearts, grateful for the love and grace You have poured out on us. We ask You to support, bless and protect all Lutherans in India. We pray that You will guide and strengthen their faith and that they may always feel Your closeness.

Prayer for Holy Land

Merciful God! You are the source that in Jesus Christ became for us the water of life, the living water, and in baptism the water of rebirth.

Prayer for Bangladesh

Gracious and merciful Lord, who remembers every one of your children and thinks of everyone, even the scattered, distant and few. To a handful people of Israel You said Your Words: “Do not be afraid. (…) I will help you. Your redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.”

Prayer for Australia

Almighty God, you accompany your children on all the roads and wildernesses of life. You are able to turn misfortune into a blessing.

Prayer for Zambia

God of grace and peace! We come to you today asking for your blessing on the citizens of Zambia. We thank You for this beautiful country and its magnificent nature and the diversity of its people.

Prayer for Zimbabwe

Dearest God in the Trinity, you have shared with us the riches of your world so that we may nourish ourselves with its abundance and drink the life-giving water. You want us to care for the places entrusted to us on this earth. You want us to live in freedom and responsibility before you. You are good to all the peoples of the world. You have confirmed this in the witness of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Tanzania

Almighty God, thank you for the world you have created and the people who live on this earth. We thank you that you have made us so unique and diverse so that we can learn from each other and share experiences.