
Prayer for Singapore

Gracious Father, you are the light and guide of our lives and we thank you for this new day. Especially for bestowing your goodness and love on all those who trust in you.

Prayer for Philippines

Almighty God, we come to You together with the Lutherans of the Church in the Philippines. We thank You for Your protection and Your guidance for them. We thank You that Your Word touches and moves their hearts so that they can grow in faith and give You glory.

Prayer for Papua New Guinea

Almighty God! Reading the motto of the new week from the Gospel of John:  „My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. We are thankful for Your great love for all Christians. We give thanks, especially to the Christians of the country of Papua New Guinea.

Prayer for Nepal

Our Lord and God, we ask for Your guidance for the people of Nepal. We entrust into Your hands all Christians who live in this Asian country, thanking You for them.

Prayer for Myanmar

Lord, You give us peace in such a different way than the world gives it to us. We come to You to give You praise for Your constancy, goodness and care. It is before You that every knee will bow because You are the Lord of lords and King of kings.

Prayer for Malaysia

Our God and Father, You are always present in the lives of Your people, no matter where Your children are. Therefore, today we ask You to surround our brothers and sisters living in Malaysia. You are with them, just as You are with us in every moment and every matter.

Prayer for Japan

Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, you are the way and the truth! Today we want to pray for the Church in Japan. Lord, You know how difficult it is to be a witness among people who do not know You.

Prayer for Indonesia

Almighty Lord! We come to you today asking for our sisters and our brothers from Indonesia. You are the God who works in every part of the world. We believe that You also accompany the members of each of the thirteen Indonesian churches, affiliated with the Lutheran World Federation.